Attic Insulation

Blown Insulation Installation
Seal Gaps or Cracks

Critter Control

Save Money $$

Keeps Home Comfortable

Is Your Home Under Insulated?

The first step toward saving you money on energy is to insulate your attic. If your home was built before 1980, it may well be under-insulated by today’s efficiency standards. When it comes to energy efficiency, specific details can make a crucial difference. Along with keeping your home comfortable throughout all the different Michigan seasons. When you have your attic insulated correctly, you can save money on your energy bills. This is because you no longer have hot or cold air leaking out of your roof. In result keeping your house comfortable in whatever season.

Additional Benefits

Another benefit you might not think about is attic insulation can actually protect your roof. Since hot air won’t be rising through the attic and onto your roof, you don’t have to worry about critters. This can save you from a lot of damage!

Dana Insulation, Inc.

44053 N Groesbeck Hwy, Clinton Twp, MI 48036


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